FIRES SET IN HALLS, Incendiaries Attempt to Burn Two Big Tenements, Pools of Kerosene and Piles of Oiled Waste on the Stairs, The Torch so Applied in One House as to Cut Off Escape



FIRES SET IN HALLS, Incendiaries Attempt to Burn Two Big Tenements, Pools of Kerosene and Piles of Oiled Waste on the Stairs, The Torch so Applied in One House as to Cut Off Escape


An article about the fires and damage done to tenements. The author notes that the burned tenement was operated by black landlords and that three attempts had been made to burn the tenement. Those who burned the tenements not only caused fires in many rooms and roof of the building, but left pools of kerosene in the hallways of the tenements. The article hints that racism was the cause of the burning of the tenement and creates discussion among New York citizens about a local issue.
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New York Evening World




New York City

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