Rectangle with yellow semicircle on left side with a black line and the opposite design on the right.
The panel of seven black and white flower designs
White background with blacked out leaf shapes
Black background with cross hatched leaves near the top
Long flower with black shape diagonally from bottom left to top right
Yellowed background with long flower outline in the center
Marble background of black, green, red and white with black tendrils on the left side swooping and going over to the right bottom side. There are green tendrils on the right side
Black tendrils that start in the middle left and go diagonally down to the bottom right
Black humanoid figure with hay like texture obscuring the face
Black humanoid figure with hay like texture obscuring the face
White background with black sailboat shape in the middle
cylindrical form with top and bottom open, solid black outer shell.
Light emitting from upper left hand corner, met by shadows of green and red. Black forms swirling in foreground.
Black Background with white forms in center
Yellow background, vertical black stripe down the middle of the composition.
Reb Background with green accents on right, yellow on left.
Yellow gradient, from light stripes on left, to the dark stripes on right.
Rectangle with darker yellow stripes over a rectangle with white semicircle on right side.
Pale yellow stripes on the left, red stripes on the right.
Rectangle with yellow semicircle on left side with a black line and the opposite design on the right.
Pencil sketch, colored pencil, gesso and graphite on paper
Description: Rectangle with thin pale yellow stripes behind a smaller rectangle with a white semicircle on the left side.
Black background and a white cloud-like shape with anemone-like clusters on the top.