Black Broadway on U



Black Broadway on U


Shellée M. Haynesworth



A collection of stories and experiences of the black community that build Black Broadway. At the end of the 19th century and for the first half of the 20th century despite segregation, D.C.’s historic Black greater U Street community prospered and built a self-reliant economic, social, civic, and cultural existence. This influential Black U Street neighborhood of extraordinary achievers birthed D.C.’s Black Renaissance and served as a prominent symbol of black culture and sophistication amid racial and political tension in America.

The project includes a map of the important places on and around U Street such as theaters, resturants, and houses of famous authors, musician, and historians. A photo and description in included with each building. There are also news articles and events held. Lastly the project includes video recordings of people's experiences on U Street. -Kelsey Rhodes


The project uses HTML and mapbox to create the map. Therefore learning how to input the data into a layout that can be implemented into a map format that allows for photos and a description to be added is needed.


Yes there are other projects that explore Black Broadway such as the National Trust for Historic Preservation. However, they are not as extensive projects.

Get Started

To make use of this project it is best to delve right into what Black Broadway was and then start looking at the map to learn more about the individual people and the community.

Item sets

Black Broadway on U Map