Exposition Pamphlet December 1901
Exposition Pamphlet December 1901
Small pamphlet with a yellowed-blue cover and red printed lettering, in French, stating: "Galerie B. Weill 25. Rue Victor-Masse/ Exposition organized par P. Manach. du 2 au 31 Decembre 1901/ Invitation" (Gallery B. Weill 25 Victor-Masse Street/ Exposition organized by P. March. From 2 to 31 December, 1901, Invitation) In light pencil to the top of the pamphlet is written, in cursive, "first exhibition". Printed text inside is in French and contains 4 double sided pages. Staring on page 3 "La premiere exposition que vient d'organizer M. Pedro Manach, dans la galerie Weill, rue Victor-Masse, et qui sera suivie de beaucoup d'autres, est, en ce sens et deja de ce point de vue, parfaite./ M. Manach eut pu reunir un plus grand nombre d'artistes; il a eu raison de s'en tenir a un choix judicieux et bref." (The first exhibition that Mr. Pedro Manach has just organized, in the Weill gallery, rue Victor-Masse, and which will be followed by many others, is, in this sense and already from this point of view, perfect/ M. Manach could have brought together a greater number of artists; he was right to stick to a judicious and brief choice.) On page 3/4" ...de jeunes et bons peintres qui composent une parfaite "attraction" avec Mlle Warrick, ...; comme vous admirerez les charmantes oeuvres de Mlle Warrick, son entente des groupements et sa force signuliere a exprimer la vie..." (young and good painters who make up a perfect "attraction" with Miss Warrick,...as you will admire the charming works of Miss Warrick, her understanding of groups and her significant force to express life." On page 7 is a list of works Meta had in the exposition: 17. - Les Malheurs (The Wretched) 18. - "John" 19. - La Lutte (The Struggle). 20. - Faunes (Fauns). 21. - Esquisses (Sketches).
Bibliographic Citation
Galerie B. Weill 25. Rue Victor-Masse/ Exposition organized par P. Manach. du 2 au 31 Decembre 1901/ Invitation (Gallery B. Weill 25 Victor-Masse Street/ Exposition organized by P. March. From 2 to 31 December, 1901