Newspaper Clipping_1901



Newspaper Clipping_1901


Long newspaper article in English about American women in Paris, focusing on Meta Fuller. No date or newspaper name give, though from language of article appears to be one written in Georgia. Article states there are 401 women in this school (unclear which one) with over half from foreign countries. States Meta lived with her mother Mrs. Emma Warrick on 1004 Atlantic Avenue in Georgia and where she spent her summers after moving to Philadelphia. Meta won the Crozier prize and entered the Pennsylvania Museum and School of Industrial Art. She sailed for Paris on September 30th on the Belgenland via Liverpool, England, entirely on her own. With very few women artists focused on sculpture the author of this article states 'Added to the young artist's undoubted talent, she is possessed of wonderful pluck, energy and perserverance, and will undoubtedly win a high place in the Art World."



Bibliographic Citation



c. 1901