Philadelphia Times_July 6, 1902



Philadelphia Times_July 6, 1902


Long newspaper article in English sent via cable to both the Philadelphia and New York Times. Article is about Meta and her attention in Paris. The article is as follows: "Young American Sculptor/Creation of a Miss Warrick Attracts Much Attention in Paris/ Special cable to The Philadelphia Times - New York Times./ Paris, July 5 - In artistic circles much attention has been aroused by an exhibition of little plaster figures by a young American artist, Miss Warrick, at Bings Art Nouveau Galleries. Miss Warrick, who is a Creole and only just 20, is an impressionist, and has adopted the modeling methods of Rodin. Her very great talent, amounting to almost genious, is admired by the best circles here. Another of the cheif promoters of art nouveau, G. De Fenre, a naturalized Dutchman, who also exhibits at Bings, is leaving for New York very shortly, where he will exhibit his work, which covers the whole domain of applied art. - (The name of Miss Warrick is not known in America, and L'Art Nouveau has more enemies than friends over here. But there are practitioners of industrial art who find their time not misspend, seeing that buyers take their wares. The sculptor Rodin can scarecly be considered an authority on this new phase of decorative art, although the spirit of his sculpture has a certain resemblance to the groutesque figures the modelers of art nouveau bronzes and pottery sometimes produce. It is in architecture and furniture that L'Art Nouveau has made its greatest sensations and received its most violent attacks. Spreading quickly to Austria and Southern Germany, it has almost become a recognizable department in the arts. The Hollander who proposes to make an exhibition of work in this line in New York will likely to have a success so far as curiosity is concerned.)



Bibliographic Citation

"Young American Sculptor/Creation of a Miss Warrick Attracts Much Attention in Paris" Special cable to The Philadelphia Times - New York Times./ Paris, July 6, 1902


Multiple articles