Femina_August 1, 1902
Femina_August 1, 1902
Short article cut out from a pamphlet about Meta. Written in French. Includes a headshot of her with typed lettering underneath "Mlle Meta Warrick. (Cliche D'athos.). Above the article written in pencil is 'Femina'. Article is as follows, in French: "Mlle Meta Warrick est une artiste américaine dont les oeuvres de sculpture ont fété lort admirées lors de leur récente exposition. Par le mouvement un peu exagéré qu'elle cherche à donner à ses oeuvres, elle semble relever directement de Rodin; et la caractère violemment réaliste de sa sculpture ressortait de chacune des ouevres qu'il nous fut donné d'admirer. Le mauvais Larron, les Malheureux et de toutes petites stauettes en plâtre. l'Homme qui rit, Oedipe, les Lutteurs, Falstaff, l'Homme portant un mort, la Femme primitive, Danseuse, le Mort dans le Vent, etc., attirent toutes, décèlent beaucoup d'orginalité, une recherche louable du movement rare et une préoccupation amusante de l'effet brutal. Le plus brillant avenir semble assuré à cette artists douée de rares qualités."
Translated into English: "Miss Meta Warrick - Miss Meta Warrick is an American artist whose works of sculpture were greatly admired during their recent exhibition. By the somewhat exaggerated movement that she seeks to give to her works, she seems to fall directly under Rodin; and the violently realistic character of his sculpture stood out in each of the works that we were given to admire. The Bad Thief, the Wretched and all small plaster statuettes, the Laughing Man, Oedipus, the Wrestlers, Falstaff, the Man Carrying a Dead, the Primitive Woman, Dancer, the Death in the Wind, etc., all attract, reveal a lot of originality, a laudable search for rare movement and an amusing preoccupation with the brutal effect. The brightest future seems assured to this artist gifted with rare qualities."
Translated into English: "Miss Meta Warrick - Miss Meta Warrick is an American artist whose works of sculpture were greatly admired during their recent exhibition. By the somewhat exaggerated movement that she seeks to give to her works, she seems to fall directly under Rodin; and the violently realistic character of his sculpture stood out in each of the works that we were given to admire. The Bad Thief, the Wretched and all small plaster statuettes, the Laughing Man, Oedipus, the Wrestlers, Falstaff, the Man Carrying a Dead, the Primitive Woman, Dancer, the Death in the Wind, etc., all attract, reveal a lot of originality, a laudable search for rare movement and an amusing preoccupation with the brutal effect. The brightest future seems assured to this artist gifted with rare qualities."
Bibliographic Citation
C.L. (Camille Le Senne) "La Femme dans la Vie," Femina, no. 37, 1 August 1902, vii.
c. 1902