Philadelphia Sunday Press_1902
Philadelphia Sunday Press_1902
Large, folded article about Meta Warrick and her sculptures from the Philadelphia Sunday Press October 19, 1902. It is quite an impressive spread, with lots of text and images of her works. Images include one of her seated facing right and three works: 'John the Baptist', The Thief on the Cross', and one of her workong on a standing nude. Headline is as follows "The only Sculptress of her Race. Meta Vaux Warrick a Philadelphia colored girl wins fame and honor in the art schools of France. Foreign masters and critics declare that her works reveals a master of the Sculptor's Art that promises Great Results in the Future. she is a product of the Art Schools of This City." Full typed article will be found on the server. The article notes her amazing drawing tallents that won her a scholarship and goes into detail on her time in Paris, and about her setting up a studio in Philadelphia.
Bibliographic Citation
Philadelphia Sunday Press, October 19, 1902