DC Newspaper Article_1905



DC Newspaper Article_1905


Small newspaper article with bold black lettering. Article is as follows: "A rare treat is in store for those who attend the lecture to be given by Miss Meta Vaux Warrick at Berean Church the 17th of May. The lecture will be illustrated and more than a dozen examples of her work will be shown and explianed to the audience. Miss Warrick will tell in her own inimitable way of life in the French Capital, where she spent three years, and had showed upon her encomiums from the greatest art critics in the world. Here is one from Gustave Coquit, a famous critic of Paris: 'You will be struck in this gallery with the attractive works of Mlle. Warrick, her grasp of grouping, and her characteristic capacity for interpreting life.' You should not miss Miss Warrick's lecture next month, for you are sure to be highly entertained and instructed."



Bibliographic Citation

Washington, DC, May 1905
