Art Lecture on Paris Pamphlet
Art Lecture on Paris Pamphlet
Small pamphlet with the headline "Art Lecture on Paris/by/Miss Meta Vaux Warrick, of Philadelphia. Front lists the program of the following: "Introduction of Miss Warrick, U.S.J. Dunbar, Sculptor/Art and Life in Paris,...Miss Warrick/Tenor Solo,...Mr. Wormley./Piano Solo,...Miss Europe./Demonstration of Sculpture,...Miss Warrick." Below the program lists the officers and teachers of the Berean Church and Sunday School. Inside the pamphlet lists those who helped fund this lecture, listing two pages full of supporters. The back page lists a biography of Miss Warrick and a list of works which includes "The Wretched, The Thief on the Cross, John the Baptist, Peeping Tom, Sylvia, Secret Suffering, Death in the Wind, Silenus, Falstaff, The Man who Laughed' and several African sculpture types. Behind this is a very small newspaper article, which states "The Art Lecture of Miss Meta Vaux Warrick of Philadelphia, under the auspices of the Berean Sunday school on Wednesday night was highly enjoyed by a large and representative audience. The patrons numbered more than 150 of Washington's art lovers. Miss Warrick, after graduating from the School of Industrial Art in Philadelphia, studied three years in Paris."
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