Newport News_1907
Newport News_1907
Long newspaper article with a handwritten notation above in ink stating "Newport News Va. Press. Mar 31-07" Article details the Jamestown Tercentennial - exhibitions had been all set up for April opening. Art and objects were scattered around the fairgrounds and housed within eight buildings. Meta is mentioned half way through the right column of the article. "Another feature of the exposition that will attract attention is a series of illuminated tableaux showing the progress of the negro race. An agreement has been entered into between the executive committee designated by the general government to prepare the negro exhibit for the Jamestown Tercentennial Exposition and Meta Vauz(sic.) Warrick, of Philadelphia, a young negro woman who is a sculptor of some repute by which the latter is to furnish those tableaux, illustrating the history of the negro race from the landing of the first boat load of African slaves on the James river, in 1619 to the present day. __ planned, by the construction of appropriate models, dramatic groupings, and the use of suitable scenic accessories, to trace in chronologic order the progress of the negro people in all the arts of civilization. There will be '15 model groups, each of the basic dimensions of ten feet long and ten feet wide, the figures to be one fourth life sixe(sic.), making in all an exhibit covering more than 1,500 square feet of floor space."
Bibliographic Citation
"Best of All Exhibits," Daily Press (Newport News, VA) March 31, 1907, 6