PA newspaper_Negro Sculptress Wedded Notice_1909
PA newspaper_Negro Sculptress Wedded Notice_1909
Small, short newspaper article with the title "Negro Sculptress Wedded/Miss Warrick Becomes the Bride of Dr. S. C. Fuller." Rest of article is as follows: "Miss Meta Vaux Warrick, the young negro sculptor, who has wone[sic.] fame in this country and Paris, was married last night to Dr. Solomon C. Fuller, director of the Pathological Laboratory of the West Borough Insane Hospital of Massachusetts, in St. Thomas's Episcopal Church, in Twelfth street. Leading members of the negro race from Boston, Baltimore, Washington and New York were present. The ceremony was perfromed by the Rev. A. V. C. Carter, assisted by the Rev. D. G. Knight. The bride's grandmother, Mrs. Henry Jones, who died a few years ago, was the wealthiest negro in this State. The bride was graduated from the Philadelphia School of Industrial Art, after which she studied in Paris, where she won the praise of St. Gaudens and Rodin. Her group "The Wretches," was purchased in Paris, cast in bronze and set up in one of the public squares. She has had three pieces in the Salon."
Bibliographic Citation
"Negro Sculptress Wedded/Miss Warrick Becomes the Bride of Dr. S. C. Fuller," February 10, 1909