Philadelphia newspaper_Former Resident Wins Art Prize _1917



Philadelphia newspaper_Former Resident Wins Art Prize _1917


Newspaper article with the title "Former Resident Wins Art Prize". Article is undated and not assigned to a newspaper producer. The article is as follows: "Mrs. Meta Vaux Fuller, a graduate of the local High School and former resident of this city, but residing with her husband, Dr. Solomon P. Fuller, at Framingham, Mass., has been awarded the second prize offered by the Massachusetts Branch of the Women's Peace Party for the best piece of sculpture depicting Peace. Mrs. Fuller is a daughter of Mrs. Warrick of this city. Mrs. Fuller was graduated several years ago from the High School at was given a scholarship to the Industrial Art School of Philadelphia, where she studied for a number of years. Mrs. Fuller was married about three years ago and her husband is now in charge of a large insane asylum at Framingham. Mrs. Fuller's group which won the second prize is entitled "Peace Halting the Ruthlessness of War."


pg. 90

Bibliographic Citation

Philadelphia newspaper
