In Memory of Mary Turner: As a Silent Protest Against Mob Violence
"This sculpture, depicting a woman cradling an infant in her arms and leaning away from grasping hands and flames at the base, was created in response to the vicious lynching of a young woman named Mary Turner in 1918. Mary Turner's husband had been lynched and she publicly denounced his murder. In response, a mob of hundreds captured her, hung her upside down from a tree, and brutally killed her and her unborn child. Artist Meta Vaux Warrick Fuller's sculpture is one of the first created by an African American specifically depicting the brutality of lynch mobs." Museum of African American History website -
Secret Sorrow
Harriet Tubman
Brittany Peasant
Frederick Douglass
The Slave Ship
The Geography of Hunger
The Home Economics Movement
The Story of Isabel Bevier
Timetable and Green Room Advertisement
The American Suffragettes
National Intelligencer - Vol. XXIV No. 3495
Plate 139 & Plate 140 - Part of Section 7
And On The Last Sun of My Leaving
Wounded Knee Bulletin #1
The Battle of Wounded Knee Creek
The KFPA Poetry Festival Folio
Episcopacie by Divine Right
The Love-Sicke Spouse: A Sermon Preached at St. Paul's Crosse
Includes informational papers from British library website -
Plantation Jim - Arlington Edition
Reading Outline
Langston Hughes - Poet-Playwright Directs a Survey
P'80etry Presents a Reading by Gwendolyn Brooks