Database of Latino Poet Laureates in the U.S.



Database of Latino Poet Laureates in the U.S.


The creator of this resource is the Latino Book Review, which is a magazine that exclusively features contemporary Latino authors.



This database contains a list of all of the modern Latino poets in the United States, as well as their pictures and places of residence. However, it is not interactive, and one is not able to view pieces of each poet's work or criticism of their work by clicking on their picture. Rather, the database is more of a stepping stool to complex research.


In order to make use of this data, one needs an understanding of the necessity of popularizing Latino authors, who do not often receive as much critical attention as members of the white community in the United States.


There are several lists of modern Latino Poet Laureates in the U.S. on the Internet that can do the work this database does, and actually contain more information about each of the poet laureates. For example, some include research guides and background information.

Get Started

In order to make use of this project, one needs a knowledge of the definition of a poet laureate, and how one attains this title. Additionally, it would be helpful for one to be familiar with the themes in Latin American poetry.