A standing female figure, with her right hand on her chest
Sculpture of a horse pulling upward, away from humans seemingly in despair. Green in color.
Scratched on the bottom is the number 2884-1 three times; additional numbers are partially visible.
In the signature only the last name is legible. On the right foot of the horse are the letters MWF inside a rectangle.
A standing boy holding a water canteen
A boy leaning forward carrying a water canteen. Another jar is on the ground near his right foot. The reccord indicates edition #1/7, it could be from the donation form, but it is does not appear on the piece. At the bottom on the back, after the signature, on the back right side of base, there is a faint signature, unclear by whom.
Portrait bust of John the Baptist - engraved with "JOHN" on the front of the piece. Has a marble base.