Love Cults, Masquerading Gals, and Subway Sammies: A Digital Visualization and Analysis of the LGBTQ+ Subcultures of Mid-Twentieth Century Boston



Love Cults, Masquerading Gals, and Subway Sammies: A Digital Visualization and Analysis of the LGBTQ+ Subcultures of Mid-Twentieth Century Boston


The website features an in depth view of LGBTQ+ culture and sub-culture in Boston from 1938 to 1966. It presents this information, as well as terminology, in an easy to access way.


Sam Hurwitz


A phone, computer, or similar device. You also need a browser, working eyes and / or ears, a mouse or working track pad, and working hands.


I have found that Wikipedia, Boston By Foot, Northeastern University, and Tessa Bahoosh's "Mapping Boston's Former Gay Bars" have some similar information, although none of them compile it in the way that this project does.

Get Started

Basic knowledge of what the LGBTQ+ community is.


Well organized, easy to read, and it seems to be colorblind friendly.

Alternative Title

20th Century in the United States

Is Part Of

Boston College Departments of English and History and the Boston College Libraries