Salem Witchcraft Trials



Salem Witchcraft Trials


Meggan Law



A product of Douglas O. Linder, The Salem Witchcraft Trials cite is a smaller cite on a bigger topic; famous trials throughout history. Other entries on the cite include Jesus, Galileo, and even cases such as O.J Simpson. The cite includes resources like maps of Salem at the time, warrants of arrests, biographies, and the timeline of event. This cite gives a clear understanding of the Salem Witch Trials by providing numerous sources and links


To use this website, you need to be able to navigate several different links on one page and be able to transfer groups of texts to a different application. Some of the fonts and text colors can be difficult to see and understand, so pulling that information from the website is sometimes necessary


There are definitely alternate sources that would be easier to use, but probably would have as much detailed information as this one.

Get Started

To get started, it would be beneficial if you had a previous knowledge of religion and customs during this time. This will help one to understand the event of the Witch Trials better.