African American Civil War Soldiers



African American Civil War Soldiers


Historians and Social Scientists teamed up to formulate this database. This project is being strongly supported by the “African American Civil War Museum”



This is a database where historians teamed up with social experts to help improve our knowledge about African Americans who fought in the Civil War. This database allows people to look deeper into the history of each individual that took part in such a historic time of American History. With this kind of information, African American genealogists are able to conjoin ancestors to the soldiers during the Civil War. This page claims that it constantly updates users with resources because there is so much to learn about this time period.. It has a discussions page where everybody can request help, discuss any bugs they encounter on the database and an area where people can hold a general discussion. It also has loads of transcribed images and documents such as service records of African Americans. This database constantly is uploading primary resources to keep everybody up-to-date with more information that these historians and social scientists find. There is also a “classify” tab which I believe is an interactive activity the database has. Basically you are given a photo of an actual copy of a company descriptive book, which is a card given to each of the soldier’s rifles. It is basically a transcribing page for viewers to complete. This database transcribes military records of African Americans during the civil war. It expands our knowledge of the civil war by giving us interactive maps and a database that allows us to do research on the soldiers that took part of this war. This database also gives us insight on what the soldiers did post-war by looking through various censuses. Overall, this database makes a strong effort to expand our knowledge on the social and political impact African Americans had during the Civil War.


You would need critical reading skills and be able to read cursive.


I believe there are other alternatives such as java and java script that would be able to do the same work.

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One must must understand the basic navigation tools to maneuver through the project.