The Gatepost Vol. 1.1: Abraham Lincoln



The Gatepost Vol. 1.1: Abraham Lincoln


"Abraham Lincoln
Ah, some one speaks the name of Lincoln!
And, I, a-dreaming, seem to sec
A silent lad before the firelight,
A worthy book upon his knee.
And now I sec him bravely trudging
O’er rough and dreary miles to school
To satisfy the thirst for knowledge
That kindled in his boyish soul.
With loyalty and patience toiling,
With ever growing strength and mind,
I sec him rise to might and manhood,
Enduring, faithful, just, and kind.
Anri with his patriot’s heart full, dreaming, Although his dreams a cause for jest,
I see him climb to rank of lawyer,
Still striving with unbroken zest.
The years go by. I sec him, hero,
As leader of the nation stand,
His heart in sympathy with freedom
For cv’ry negro in the land.
And now I watch him through the battle
That freed, at length, the hampered slave,
Anri sec the tragedy that sent him
So true a martyr to his grave.
As Liberator—then I hail him—
Who from a meager boyhood came,
Anri rose, triumphant over hardships
To rest in honor and in fame!
Alice Jeannette Ward."