The Gatepost Vol. 1.1: What Would



The Gatepost Vol. 1.1: What Would


Louise Guild do without her Funk & Wagnails Dictionary?
Marguerite MacPherson do without correspondents?
Charlotte Grodsky do without her large notebook paper?
Arleen Morse do without her imagination ?
Ruth Goddard do without measles?
Betty Waite do without her past experience?
K. Riley do without her latest headlines?
Alice Marshall do without her new clothes?
Marj Mattoon do without her good themes?
Fran Baker do without the League of Nations?
Muriel Kodis do without Clothing?
Jennie Gold do without her baby face?
Alice Reum do without her nosegays?
Annette Pierce do without her trips to Boston ?
Agnes Rawstron do without her yearning eyes?
Kay Hilly do without her “nuts?”
Millie Sullivan do without Thorndike?"