The Gatepost Vol. 1.1: What A Job!



The Gatepost Vol. 1.1: What A Job!


"What a Job!
Getting out this paper is no picnic.
If we print wise-cracks, iwople say we are silly.
If we don’t they say we are too serious.
If we clip things from other papers, we arc too lazy to write it down ourselves.
If we don't, we’re stuck on our own stuff.
If we work all day on the sheet, We ought to be out hunting up news. If we do leave and try to hustle, We ought to be on the job in the office. If we don’t print contributions, We don’t appreciate true genius;
If we do, the paper is filled with junk.
If we make a change in a fellow’s write-up,
We are too critical;
If we don’t, we are asleep.
Now, like as not someone will say We stole this one from some other paper. You’re right."