The Gatepost Vol. 2.7: Sister, Can You Spare a Dime?



The Gatepost Vol. 2.7: Sister, Can You Spare a Dime?


"Sister, Can You Spare a Dime?
We work on our paper, make it pay, Make it race against time.
We get out our paper. Now, we say, Sister, can you spare a dime?
We work on our paper day and night— This |>art we do not mind.
Now to pay us back, oh, don’t be tight— Sister, can you spare a dime?
Once we didn’t have any paper at all;
You said, "We shall," and elected a staff; Now we’ve worked it-up, improved it a lot,
We sell a few, maybe a half.
Say, won't you consider what it is worth To have a paper so fine?
And won't you reach down, even if it hurts.
Oh, Sister, won't you spare a dime?
S. L. M. '33."