The Gatepost Vol. 4.7: The Gray Squirrel Speaks



The Gatepost Vol. 4.7: The Gray Squirrel Speaks


Master Josephine’s a black and white cat.
He lives at Crocker where he’s getting very fat.
He is very much spoiled, for he has his own way.
He is growing more conceited every day 1
If you stop for a chat as he sits near the door,
He yawns quite openly and murmurs, "What a bore I”
If you choose to give news of the latest Rat Hunt,
He says, "Can’t be bothered with that kind of stunt 1”
He has his own bed and his very own chair;
You'd think he was a king—such a lordly air!
“Room Service, please,” you ought to hear him call—
Someone always answers at Crocker Hall!
I’m only Gray Squirrel, and 1 don't know it all,
But Grand-dad used to say, “Pride goes before a Fall.”
Now perhaps I am jealous, and with envy insane,
But Master'Josephine—gives me a pain!
—R. H. C."