The Gatepost Vol. 5.7: Which Division?
The Gatepost Vol. 5.7: Which Division?
"Which Division?
Heart heart A little doggerel
About Division —;
We have more fun here at our school
Than any one of you.
At noon, down in the lunch room With laughter and with glee, We talk about day’s happenings Like one big family.
There’s Meave, our worthy president
Who’s won our admiration
And this can easily be seen By our co-operation.
There’s Mabel with the lovely hair,
And Frances with a grin,
And Fern comes stomping into class—
She makes a mighty din.
Emma’s like a cool spring breeze Refreshing and delicious, And Eileen E. is much the same But apt to be capricious.
Alice, Ruth, and Myrtle quiet and quite proper Never do a thing that's wrong.
(Now, that may be a whopper I)
Betty B. and Betty E.
In every kind of weather
Romp throughout the corridors
And like to be together.
Barbara is a pal indeed, It seems she has no side kick. But if there’s something one wants done It’s she who’s going to act quick.
Ruth G. and our fair Lillian
Are just a happy pair;
Marie’s among our number, too."
Heart heart A little doggerel
About Division —;
We have more fun here at our school
Than any one of you.
At noon, down in the lunch room With laughter and with glee, We talk about day’s happenings Like one big family.
There’s Meave, our worthy president
Who’s won our admiration
And this can easily be seen By our co-operation.
There’s Mabel with the lovely hair,
And Frances with a grin,
And Fern comes stomping into class—
She makes a mighty din.
Emma’s like a cool spring breeze Refreshing and delicious, And Eileen E. is much the same But apt to be capricious.
Alice, Ruth, and Myrtle quiet and quite proper Never do a thing that's wrong.
(Now, that may be a whopper I)
Betty B. and Betty E.
In every kind of weather
Romp throughout the corridors
And like to be together.
Barbara is a pal indeed, It seems she has no side kick. But if there’s something one wants done It’s she who’s going to act quick.
Ruth G. and our fair Lillian
Are just a happy pair;
Marie’s among our number, too."