The Gatepost Vol. 9.5: "Oh, the Class of ’39 has traveled far since graduating"



The Gatepost Vol. 9.5: "Oh, the Class of ’39 has traveled far since graduating"


"Oh, the Class of ’39 has traveled far since graduating,
Tho whether ’tis ahead or not is matter for debating.
But anyhow, regardless, you have got to give them credit,
Tho I go down in history the only one that said it.
We haven’t written many books or married any midgits,
But you couldn’t count the kind remarks to every kid that figets.
We are not shapely models, widely famous for our poses,
But you should see us on the job, blowing kiddies’ noses.
“For this we went to college,” is our day by day lament,
When zippers stick and clothes go on in ways that were not meant,
When rubbers get themselves mixed up and little Johnny cries,
“Ma said if I lose those, again, she’ll put the teacher wise!”
The dears are so original, especially as cooks, The recipes that they create would make a set of books.
Their manners for invited guests are marvelous to watch,
And yet in spite of undue care, the meal they’re sure to botch.
The ones who sew with gusto have the longest seams to rip,
And there are those who can confuse the waist line with the hip.
Oh, rural schools and city ones won’t leave you standing still,
For if a blizzard doesn’t come a supervisor will. In teaching lies the world’s great hope, I’ve often heard it said;
For some of us our only hope is that we’ll soon be wed!"