Bomb Sight - Mapping the London World War 2 London Bomb Blitz Census
Bomb Sight - Mapping the London World War 2 London Bomb Blitz Census
Dr. Catherine Emma Jones
A map of London from October 7th, 1940 - June 6th 1941. The map uses data from the bomb census to chronicle the location and timing of each bomb launched upon the city during the blitz.
Contents include an interactive map from the time period, photographs from the time period, detailed information about each bomb dropped, information about each area in London, countermeasures taken by London, and street-view maps of London.
This site allows users to visualize the intensity of the bombs dropped on London during the blitz and explore/compare bombings done over the course of the months the blitz occurred. Users better understand what it was like to live in the city during this time period.
A computer/Android mobile device with internet access.
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History regarding the time period of World War 2, specifically data pertaining to that of the London Blitz.
One must have no major visual impairments in order to understand the visual data presented by the site.
One must have an understanding of the English language.