Phil Call/Asbury Press_1903
Phil Call/Asbury Press_1903
Newspaper article in two sections with pencil notation above 'Philadelphia Call.-/Thurs July 9 - 1903'. Title is 'Women Sculptors/ The famous Ones of America'. Article mentions several different women sculptors from around the country. Meta is mentioned at the end of the article: "Meta Vaux Warrick showed such genius when a child that her instructors became interested and urged very earnestly that she should be sent to Paris. It was her own strongest earthly desire. Her mother pinched and saved to pay the girl's expenses. She is only twenty-three years old now. In Paris she worked desperately. One day she took to the artist Rodin a small statue of her making which proved to be the making of her, for it gave the famous artist a 'thrill,' and no mistake. It represented a man eating his own heart. Her genius lies largely in the depiction of the weird and the terrible, of tragedy, suffering and despair. Perhaps the fact that Miss Warrick has colored blood in her veins may account for this."
Bibliographic Citation
Philadelphia Call., July 9, 1903
Mary Edith Day, "Women Sculptors:The Famous Ones of America," Asbury Park Press, June 13, 1903
Mary Edith Day, "Women Sculptors:The Famous Ones of America," Asbury Park Press, June 13, 1903