The Evening Star_January 21, 1905
The Evening Star_January 21, 1905
Newspaper article with the headline "the Evening Star/Saturday, January 21, 1905". The text is as follows: "Miss Warwick's Success in Sculpture. Considerable attention is being given in Philadelphia this week to Miss Meta Vaux Warrick's exhibition of sculpture. Miss Warwick is the sister-in-law of F. L. Cardozo, supervising principal of the thirteenth division, colored, of the Washington public schools. She has made her name stand for the highest things in art, and is regarded as on a plane with Henry Tanner, Paul Lawrence Dunbar and other prominent members of her race. Her work is described as a little below the average in technique, but of unusual strength. In her choice of original themes she is said to be remarkable. Never before has such a showing been made in Philadelphia, according to an art critic of that city."
Bibliographic Citation
DC? Evening Star, January 21, 1905