Evening Star_1905



Evening Star_1905


Small newspaper article with a handwritten note below it in pencil stating "Washington 4-31-05". The article is as follows: "Miss Warrick Lectures on Art. Art Ideals and student Life in the French Captial was the subject of an interesting lecture yesterday evening by Miss Meta Vaux Warrick the sculptor, who recentlly returned from Paris and who is at present a member of the board of control of the Alumni Association of the Pennsylvania Museum of Art. The talk was before a number of prominent citizens who had been invited by Mesdames Hilyer, Pelham and Gray to meet the artist at a drawing-room reception. For an hour Miss Warrick entertained the company with an account of her Parisian experiences, and at the conclusion of her discourse gave a demonstration of her methods of work, a mass of clay, under he deft fingers rapidly assuming form and finally disclosing the characteristic lines and features of a kind-faced old man."



Bibliographic Citation

"Miss Warrick Lectures on Art," Evening Star, March 31, 1905, 14.
