Washington Herald article_1907



Washington Herald article_1907


Newspaper article from "The Washington Herald, Monday, March 18, 1907" with the title "Negro Tableaux Planned." Article is as follows: "Progress of Race to Be Demonstrated at Jamestown Exhibition. An agreement has been entered into between the executive committee designated by the general government to be prepare the negro exhibit for the Jamestown Ter-Centennial Exposition and Miss Meta Vaux Warrick, of Philadelphia, a sculptor of international repute, by which the latter is to furnish a series of illuminated tableaux illustrative of the history of the negro race from landing of the first boat load of African slaves on the James River, in 1619, to the present day. It is Miss Warrick's plan to show by the construction of appropriate models, dramatic groupings, and the use of suitable scenic accessories, to trace in chronological order the progress of the negro people in all the arts of civilization. There will be fifteen model groups, each of the basic dimentions of ten feet long by ten feet wide, the figures to be one-forth life size, making in all an exhibit covering more than 1,500 square feet of floor space. Miss Meta Vaux Warrick is a young colored woman of unusual intelligence. Her education was acquired in the Drexel School of Fine Arts, in Philadelphia, of which city she is a native. She has taken supplementary courses in several of the leading art institutes in Paris, France."



Bibliographic Citation

"Negro Tableaux Planned.," The Washington Herald, Monday, March 18, 1907, 5
