Philadelphia Herald?_1907



Philadelphia Herald?_1907


Newspaper article in two sections with the title "Colored Sculptor's Honor" with a photograph of Meta in her studio. The article is as follows: "Meta Warrick to Furnish Tableaux for Jamestown Exposition. Miss Meta Vaux Warrick, of this city, a colored sculptor of high repute, is to furnish a series of illuminated tableaux for the Jamestown Exposition. Illustrative of the history of the negro race from the landing of the first boatload of African slaves on the Jamestown River in 1619 to the present day. It is Miss Warrick's plan to show by the construction of appropriate models, dramatic groupings and the use of suitable scenic accessories, to trace in chronological order the progress of teh negro people in all the arts of civilization. There will be fifteen model groups, each of the basic dimensions for ten feet long and ten feet wide, making in all an exhibit covering more than 1500 feet of floor space."



Bibliographic Citation

"Colored Sculptor's Honor" WA?Philadelphia Herald (?), March 18, 1907
