Charities and the Commons Article_1907



Charities and the Commons Article_1907


Short article on yellow-cream paper with the title pasted above 'Charities and The Commons September 21' The article states: "...popular songs to Negro composers. The historic tableaux, a series of fourteen groups portraying different phases in the development of Negro life in American from 1619 to 1907, attract much attention. These were desgined, made and set in place by Miss Meta Vaux Warrick, a young sculptor who has studied in Philadelphia and more recently in Paris. Beginning with the landing of twenty slaves at Jamestown they present such contrasting scenes as these: An escaping slave, a Negro defending his master's home during the war, Negro soldiers, a Negro bank, the slaves learning to work the cotton fields, an independent Negro farmer, the organization of the first Negro church in 1816, a modern Sunday scene, the first school house (a rough log cabin), and a Negro college commencement."



Bibliographic Citation

Helen Tucker, "The Negro Building and Exhibit at the Jamestown Exposition," Charities and the Commons 18, no. (September 21, 1907) 723-26.


September 21, 1907