The Book News Monthly_1908
The Book News Monthly_1908
Short magazine article in two sections. There is writing in pen above the title 'The Book News Monthly March 1908". The title of the article is "The First Big Exhibition of the Season/ The One Hundred and Third Annual Exhibition of the Academy of the Fine Arts/ by Talcott Williams" Article is as follows: " "The Bath." This baby with richly dressed attendants is a palpable formula. The Sculpture has as its notable figure Mr. Grafly's statuette, "Maidenhood." It is an odd title for a brilliantly modeled realism which suggests desire rather than reserve. A group of young women have the original honors of the statuary. Mrs. Edith Woodman Burroughs with a "Circe," full of luring, enticing grace and a most remarkable achievement, "A summer Sea"; Miss Abastenia St. Leger Eberle's uncompromising "Old Woman Picking up Coal," in sculpture what John Sloan is etching; Miss Louisa Eyre's most charming child's portrait; Miss Meta Vaux Warrick's dramatic "Peeping Tom." Mr. Murray has a group of portraits and statuettes all makred by his capacity for combining patient accuracy and likeness with characterful quality. Mr. Giuseppe Donato catches closely the actor face of Robert B. Mantell. There is a menagerie of animals. Albert Laessle, turtles; Ella Harvey, bears; Edward Kemeys, panthers and jaguars. It is really wonderful how dull a lively animal can be made by mere modeling. But the sculpture is not an adaquate example of current work, as in the painting."
Bibliographic Citation
'The Book News Monthly March 1908".