"Negro Exposition Opens" New York Times_1913




"Negro Exposition Opens" New York Times_1913


Small newspaper article with pencil writing above stating "New York Times Oct 23 - 1913". Title of the article is "Negro Exposition Opens./Advances of the Race in 50 Years Since Emancipation Shown." Article is as follows: " The Emancipation Proclamation Exposition held by negros to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the freedom of the slaves in this country, opened yesterday in the Twelfth Regiment Armory, Sixty-second Street and Columbus Avenue. The interior of the armory has been artistically decorated. Exhibits are shown illustrating the educational and industrial progress of the race since its history began. Perhaps the greatest interest centers around the Egyptian Art Temple, constructed in the centre of the armory floor. It is after a design [by] Nicolas Brown. In it are shown [pa]intings, sculpture and other works of art executed by colored persons. In the centre stands an eight-foot group of statuary "Humanity Freeing the Slave," the work of Miss Meta Warrick, a young colored woman of Philadelphia, and studied three years in Paris under Rodin. One of the larger canvases shown is by Juan E. Hernandez, and represents the uphill charge of the Twenty-fifth Regiment at the battle of El Caney. Another feature of the Exposition is the historical pageant. In this 350 persons appear in costume. It is a scenic production of the history of the black race written by W. E. B. Du Bois. There was a band concert in the afternoon and at night Robert N. Wood, Chairman of the Exposition in a speech formally opened the Exposition."


New York Times




New York, NY



Bibliographic Citation

"Negro Exposition Opens," New York Times, October 23, 1913