Modern Sculpture Newpaper Article_1917



Modern Sculpture Newpaper Article_1917


Newspaper article with the title "Modern Sculpture". Article is undate and not assigned to a newspaper producer. Article is as follows: "Cleveland Museum Acquires a Notable Group of Works by Rodin and Other Contemporary Sculptors. Some time ago the Cleveland Museum of Art announced that it had received as a gift from Mr. and Mrs. Ralph King a bronze cast of Auguste Rodin's "Le Penseur," one of four copies of this work in this hemisphere, the other three being in San Francisco, Baltimore and Buenos Aires. This famous bronze figure, heroic in scale was at first shown in the rotunda of the museum, but it is now placed in the centre of the first marble terrace in front of the main entrance. It is massive in conception as well as in actual bulk, and was, therefore, somewhat overpowering while in the rotunda, but in its present position the scale is better, and one is impressed more forcibly than ever by the strength and master of the sculptor's creation. Mr. King has now added to this gift a full-size cast of Rodin's earlier "Age of Bronze," which, however, is held in Paris for the present. Another example by the same master is also retained in Paris - a large bronze head of one of the "Bourgeois de Calais," the gift of Miss Emery May Holden. A plaster cast of this head is in the loggia of the garden court of the Cleveland Museum. Besides the above-mentioned bronzes, a small marble group by Rodin known as the "Little Brother and Sister" has recently been received by the Cleveland Museum as a gift from Salmon P. Halle. It is on exhibition in Gallery II. The marble is slightly translucent and beautifully white. The contour of the infants' bodies is subtle and alluring, and the profiles especially sweet, while the chubby limbs have a softness that Rodin knows how to produce. The bulletin of the Cleveland Museum states it is not unlikely that this will be one of the latest works by Rodin to find its way to America, since the artist has given to the French Government his entire collection of sketches, studies, original plasters and all the finished work in his possession (two pencil checkmarks to the side of this section). From Miss Loie Fuller has been received the original plaster model for the large bronze head which is to be Miss Holden's gift, now awaiting shipment from Paris; also, a small bronze of one of the "Bourgeois (scratched out with pencil writing to the right Parghese) de Calais" and a small bronze foot. When the two pieces from Paris arrive, the Cleveland Museum will be the fortunate possessor of seven examples of Rodin's work. In addition to the two pieces by Rodin, Miss Fuller has also presented to the Museum a charming little marble figure by Theodore Riviere, a bronze portrait figure of Miss Fuller by Pierre Roche, a small seated figure of Napoleon (pencil checkmark next to this sentence) by Carpeaux, a little dancing girl by Meta Warrick, and a bronze cast of the life-mask of Napoleon by Antommarchi. Miss Fuller and Madame Riviere have recently lent to the Museum a group of bronzes and marbles by Theodore Riviere, which are to be seen in the Gallery VI."



Bibliographic Citation

Modern Sculpture," The Boston Transcript, Boston, MA, September 27, 1917, 13.


September 27, 1917