Framingham Evening News_June 17 1919



Framingham Evening News_June 17 1919


Newspaper article in three section. Headline is pasted along the top and states: "The Evening News, Framingham, Mass. Tuesday, June 17, 1919." Title for the article is "Models Panel/ for Y.M.C.A. Bldg./ At Atlanta, GA." Article is in two sections and is as follows: "Mrs. S. C. Fuller is completing, in her studio on Warren road, the modeling of a panel which is to be placed above a fire place in the new (colored) Y. M. C. A. building at Atlanta, Ga. The panel which is about five feet square is designed and executed with the spiritual conception and vivid life that characterizes all Mrs. Fuller's work. When finished it will be cast in plaster and after it is put in place will be bronzed. Interwoven in the design is the symbolic oak of Atlanta, and the motto of the association, "Spirit, mind, body." The central figure of the panel is a crouching Negro youth, about to rise. Over his shoulder appears a winged spirit, whispiring encouragement in his ear and urging him towards the light, the sun, to which it points. the face of the youth expressess slowly awakening aspiration, struggling with the dullness of long oppression. Chubby figures of little children surround the central figures, against with leaves and clusters of acorns, child figures represent the generations of the future, the hope of the race and are wonderfully individual, showing all shades of expression, "from grave to gay" and all sorts of poses. The words "Spirit, mind, body" are inconspicuously introduced, separately on small shield-like surfaces, in among the child figures. The thought is clearly worked out, the lines and modeling true and spirited and will convey, when finished and in place, the real inspiration that the artist intended. Mrs. Fuller always works with some difinite thought to be expressed and her descriptions are very illuminating to the unartistic observer. [end first section.] [start second section.] In her studio is noticable a life size plaster group which was exhibited in New York several years ago, illustrating emancipation. A slave youth and maiden, standing, under an over shadowing something representative of their servitude, have just been set free, from slavery. Behind them Humanity personified is urging them on, while Race-hatred holds them back. Bewildered they stand, looking to the future, but with nothing in their hands to help them, and with only the scantist clothing. Humanity, while urging them forward, weeps for their discouraging state. This group attracted a good deal of attention when exhibited. Mrs. Fuller, who was a pupil of Rodin in Paris, while a student, first attracted the notice of the great sculptor by the spiritual depth of conception and the intensity of life expressed in her work. A visit to her home and studio is an experience to be remembered with pleasure."



Bibliographic Citation

"Models Panel for Y.M.C.A. Bldg. at Atlanta, GA." Framingham Evening News, Framingham, MA, June 17, 1919
