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  • Named Entity Locations

  • Most Used Term Ngram

  • Women in WWII Excel Spread Sheet

  • Topic Modeling WWII

  • Colleges 80th Birthday

    In this snippet, the newspaper wants to inform everyone that although the college is 80 years old, it does not mean it has been around for only 80 years, and that is worth celebrating!
  • Name Entity Recognition Names WWII

  • Field Day

    The college held a fun field day where students and faculty took part.
  • Trip to Boston

    The student government wants their fellow classmates to not only be involved within Framingham State but also with the surrounding cities. A fun trip to Boston and visiting historical sites is a fun way to learn about many different things.
  • Name Entity Recognition WWII

  • Gate Post logo

  • Term Frequency Recognition WWII

  • Loretta Haley Loretta Haley and Kathleen Walsh.

    There is no location as to where these two served. It is known that they were Army Students Training for Commission. Loretta Haley gained a degree in Household Arts And Nutrition. She is described as having good manners and successful goals. She was Junior Prom Decoration Chairman; Loretta also assisted the students. Government Dance, May Day, and Junior Weekend. Kathleen Walsh holds a degree in Household Arts and Nutrition. She was known as "Kay." She is known as being the pillar of her class by her peers, which has led to her unanimously being elected class president one year. During her time on campus, she was Stunt Night Chairman, Chemistry Council Secretary , Student Co-operative Dance Chairman and Club Council Chairman
  • Francis Kiel

    Francis Kiel served at Lawson General Hospital In Atlanta, Georgia, as an Army Student. She got a Home Economics Degree at FSU. She was more known by her peers as Fran and is described as capable and a dynamite package.
  • Named Entity Recognition: Student Gov.

    the words associated with Student Government; association, council, musical clubs, dance, chemistry council, etc. allows us to see just how involved the student government members were involved in campus life and organizing the campus events.
  • The first State normal school in America

    Student Coop. held a very successful school dance. GatePost holds elections. Freshman presented to faculty at annual tea.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Student Gov.

    As we can see from the Sentiment Analysis, the tone is very neutral and leaning more toward positive.
  • Gatepost Christmas

  • Sentiment Analysis

  • Gatepost Ngrams Christmas word cloud

  • The Yearly Christmas Addition From The Gatepost

  • Gatepost Poem Frequency and Locations Timeline: 1-20 Scatter Plot

    A scatter plot depicting the number of poems and their page locations found in one issue per volume of the first 20 volumes of FSU's The Gatepost newspaper. The values on the x-axis refer to the year each referenced issue was published, and the values on the y-axis indicate the number of poems found. The colors of the dots correspond with specific page numbers, as indicated in the legend at the bottom.
  • Gatepost Poetry Top 5 Words: 1-20 Bubbleine

    A bubbleine graph depicting the locations and frequency of the top 5 words used in poems found in one issue per volume of the first 20 volumes of FSU's The Gatepost newspaper. Each line represents the text from all 47 poems, and each circle indicates the locations and frequency of the color-corresponding word.
  • Gatepost Poetry Word Cloud: 1-20

    A word cloud depicting the top 60 most commonly used words in poems found in one issue per volume of the first 20 volumes of FSU's The Gatepost newspaper.
  • Gatepost Poems by Page Number: 1-20 Bar Graph

    A bar graph depicting the page locations by number of poems found in one issue per volume of the first 20 volumes of FSU's The Gatepost newspaper. The values on the x-axis refer to the page numbers which contained poetry, and the values on the y-axis indicate the number of poems found.
  • Gatepost Poetry Article Type: 1-20 Disc Graph

    A disc graph depicting the two methods of publishing poems (quoted in a larger article or published as a standalone article) found in one issue per volume of the first 20 volumes of FSU's The Gatepost newspaper.