This cookbook covers pickling, preserving, canning, and the making of condiments and spreads. These recipes include a variety of fruits and vegetables.
This cookbook provides many recipes for cooking a range of different meats. There are also many recipes for cooking desserts such as tarts, pies, puddings, and cakes.
This cookbook contains recipes for soups, salads, dinners, and desserts. Additionally, it provides recipes for Creole dishes. It also explains the duties of a butler.
This cookbook is in French and covers dishes such as appetizers, meals, and desserts.
This book is for teaching students about cooking, cleaning, and maintaining a household. It covers the components of cooking such as baking powder, starch, how to preserve food, and how to make meals.
This book covers how to best use your freezer, how to manage it, and what to freeze. It also covers how to cook frozen meals, and it even covers how to freeze baked goods.
This book covers a range of food from appetizers, to different meats, to desserts. There is also a small section that discusses foreign cooking. This section includes Chinese cooking, Mexican food, Italian cooking, French cooking, Scandinavian cooking, and Japanese cooking. At the end, there is also a wine chart.
This book discusses manners and etiquette in regards to relationships, clothing, and different situations: these include manners in business, eating, games, and letters.
This book covers a range of food from soups and salads to dinners and desserts. What is quite unique is that it gives suggestions for meals at parties. The parties range from tea parties, open houses, parties for tots, and parties for teens.
Food Science and Health discusses the chemistry behind food. In this discussion, health and wellness in regards to food is also discussed.
E.C. Crocker's cookbook discusses the flavors and the science of food. It also discusses the scoring of dairy products, eggs, meats, and breads and cakes.
This collection of southern recipes provides a range of meal options. These recipes range from suppers, to soups, to desserts.
Edith Barber's Cook Book provides recipes for canning and preserving. The types of food range from appetizers, soups, salads, dinners, and desserts.
Mr. Hines, having traveled extensively "throughout every state in the Union, parts of Canada, Mexico, and the Hawaiian Islands," collected some of his favorite foods within this book.
Dr. Chase's Recipes or Information for Everybody provides solutions and recipes on a range of topics. Some topics include cooking, tanning, blacksmithing, and medicine.
Florence Brobeck's cookbook, Cook it in a Casserole, provides recipes for casseroles to make for dinner and dessert. Additionally, in the introduction by Hendrik Willem Van Loon, he references the Nazi leader as bringing people back to the casserole.
Charleen J. Baker's cookbook Buttercup Hill Tea Room Recipes provides recipes on the staples of a supper table that she would have served her own guests. These include appetizers, suppers, and desserts.
Function: Lukasa divination and memory board surmounted by two
well-carved heads with ornate coiffures and strong typical
facial features. The board which has a boarder of incised
designs, shows a large raised kifwebe mask surrounded by
numerous raised objects including a house, tree chicken,
tools, a sun, stars and a bow and arrows. The entire board is
stained brown and shows a lots of wear.
This mask is worn as part of a dance and there are holes along the outer edges of the mask in which plant fiber cord is put through them and tied at the ends. This mask is very similar to the Punu Mukudj mask in that they have similar eyes, noses and lips, and pigments. However, it is actually a variation of the Mukudj. The differences are in the large coiffure. In addition to this, the shape of the slanted eyes mimics the same bowing shape of the coiffure above.
This mask is used in a performance called "mukudj," in which males use stilts while dancing and doing acrobats. Originally these dancers take place at funerals or initiations, but today
they're mainly done for entertainment purposes.
Function: Among the Kwele people, there is a social association known as the Bwete, who control social order. Within this group, there are ceremonies that involve the use of animal masks either as part of initiation or mourning purposes. During these services, the masks are used to lead people in dance.
Iconography: The heart-shaped face and full-circle horns refer to compassionate forest spirits, while the white kaolin is used to represent light and clarity, which are used to fight against evil.
Bibliography: https://www.metmuseum.org/toah/works-of-art/1979.206.8/ https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/312180
Either worn or shown during private ceremonies, the mask was a reminder of Lega values. In addition to this, the mask could be fastened to poles, held during a dance, or draped over the shoulder. To the Lega people, the mask represented a higher level of teaching within the Bwami association.
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