The program for FSC's 1956 graduation ceremony. Includes annotations of crosses next to graduates' names.
The program for the 1954 FSC graduation ceremony without annotations.
The program for FSC's 1955 graduation ceremony with annotations of crosses near graduates' names.
The program for FSC's 1953 graduation ceremony. Contains annotations of dashes next to graduates' names.
The program for FSC's 1952 graduation ceremony. Includes annotations of dashes and some numbers next to names of the graduates.
The program for FSC's 1950 graduation ceremony. Includes annotations of checkmarks next to the graduates' names.
The program of FSC's 1949 graduation ceremony without annotations.
The program of FSC's 1948 graduation ceremony without annotations.
FSC's program for the graduation ceremony of 1947 without annotations.
The program for FSU's 1946 graduation ceremony including an annotation on the last page.
The program for FSC's graduation in 1945. Includes an annotation on the cover regarding the number of graduates from the school since it was established.
The program of the 1944 FSC graduation ceremony. Contains the Class Hymn insert and is without annotations.
The graduation program from FSC's 1943 ceremony without annotations.
The program for the 1943 FSC graduation ceremony. Includes years and checks near some names.
The program for the 1943 FSC graduation. Includes the insert of the Class Hymn. Annotations include one from 1944 on the cover page about how many people have graduated from the school for the 1944 state report. Annotations on graduates with years also on final pages.