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Muriel Cooper, class of 1948 (General Design) and 1951 (Teacher Education), was known for her book and digital designs, as well as her dedication to education. She returned to MassArt as a faculty member in 1963, teaching Advertising Design, and was later a trustee of the college. In 1967, Cooper was hired as Design Director for MIT Press. There, she designed the 1969 book, Bauhaus, on the 50th anniversary of the German design school’s founding. Cooper’s love for Bauhaus style was utilized on upwards of 500 published books she oversaw during her time as the director. Her interest in developing digital technology led to the widespread use of computers and computer typesetting in MIT Press designs, which allowed for a new level of control over the layout of each page. In 1974, she founded the Visible Language Workshop, to teach students a variety of techniques and technologies to accomplish design goals. At the time of her death in 1994, Cooper was the only female tenured professor in the MIT Media Lab.
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