Lost Plays Database



Lost Plays Database


This is a scholarly collaborative website where people can add lost plays that've been recovered in England through 1570-1642.


David Mclnnis




Things that are needed are a comupter, wifi and a browser to run the website


There are many similar websites that can be edited by others online. Like Wikipedia.

Get Started

A basic understanding of how to navagate through a website and collect information. You do not need to have a huge understanding to learn about lost archives and plays in order to understand this website.


It is easy to navigate and is a well organized website. The plays are in alphabetical order and the dates are organized as well starting from the 1570s ending at the 1670s. There is also a help and info part of this website which gives the reader recources on how to add their own information.


As anyone can access this website, this website is mainly targeted towards people who are interested in old english and mainly undergrad/postgrad English/History majors. It provides more insight and information on certain points in history and special artifacts that can give us a better understanding on important factors and figures during the time.

Audience Education Level

Undergrad, postgrad and scholarly education