Love Cults, Masquerading Gals, and Subway Sammies: A Digital Visualization and Analysis of the LGBTQ+ subcultures of Mid-Twentieth Century Boston



Love Cults, Masquerading Gals, and Subway Sammies: A Digital Visualization and Analysis of the LGBTQ+ subcultures of Mid-Twentieth Century Boston


It is a digital humanities project with a focus on the queer community of Boston from 1940s-1960s. It has maps, bar graphs, snippets of newspaper articles of the queer community, testaments from queer people themselves etc. This resource breaks down misconceptions about the queer community, raises awareness about the queer experience and identity, as well as gives a historicity of the queer community.


Sam Hurwitz



One needs access to the internet to get information from this site as well as a device like a laptop, smartphone, or iPad.


There are other websites that one can find with a quick google search about the history of Boston that lightly touch upon the queer experience but nothing with as much depth as this website.

Get Started

One needs to know English, but other than that one doesn't need to have a lot of context to understand this website, the website even has a list of LGBTQ jargon words and defines them for the reader.


Overall, the website is pretty accessible, but the text of the snippets of newspaper articles were very small and hard to read, especially if someone has a visual impairment.

Audience Education Level

Highschool and above

