Famous Trials



Famous Trials


Professor Douglas O. Linder




The website contains both primary sources (trial transcripts, evidence, photographs, testimonies, personal documents, maps, arrest warrants, etc.) and secondary sources (summaries, timelines, biographies of those involved, videos of reenactments, etc.) having to do with famous historical trials. The website informs viewers of various famous trials throughout world history in the years from 399 BC to 2021.


The website is completely accessible on internet browsers with the options to email, print, or save certain pages as PDFs.


Other free-to-the-public websites that cover historical trials include https://www.oldbaileyonline.org/ and https://www.oyez.org/ However, both websites only cover the trials of specific locations (London from 1674-1913 and America).

Get Started

The website takes viewers through the entire process of each trial, so information on each trial isn’t necessary. However, one should know the basics of the way the courtroom works in order to understand certain words (defense vs. prosecution, indictment, etc.)


The blue background of the homepage may be difficult for those with color blindness to see, as well as the blue font on other pages. Many pictures on the website have descriptions of each photo; however, not all do.

Bibliographic Citation

Linder, Douglas O.. Famous Trials. The University of Missouri-Kansas City Law School, 1995-2021, https://famous-trials.com/. Accessed 25 Sept. 2021.


Predominantly English, with any other languages featured having translations or simply being the title of a location, for example.