Three Steps in Negro Eduction in One of the Country Districts of the South
Three Steps in Negro Eduction in One of the Country Districts of the South
This document is an advertisement asking for donations from the Trustees of the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute towards their Endowment Fund. The advertisement shows images of work being done by Tuskegee graduates and former students to show the results of their education. They convey the message of graduates spreading “the Tuskegee influence.” The images depict steps of building a school, starting with a small shack, following with students raising cotton on the school farm to support the school, and ending with a well-built building. The advertisement explains that they are making an effort to add $300,000 to its endowment fund and are gladly accepting contributions. This advertisement shows the impact of these schools and how they made a difference in not only graduates' lives but also children's and future students' lives.