Philadelphia Inquirer_1902
Philadelphia Inquirer_1902
Newspaper article from 'The Philadelphia Inquirer's Summer Magazine' with written in pencil next to it 'Sum Aug 24, 1902'. The article is as follows: "A young Philadelphia art student, a mulatto, Miss Meta Warrick, has been creating something of a sensation in Paris, by an exhibition of small plaster figures displayed some weeks ago at L'Art Nouveau galleries. Miss Warrick was for several seasons a student at the School of Industrial Art in this city. There she showed an aptitude for modeling wiht a decorative tendencey. Two years ago she went to Paris to study, and since then she has developed rapidly. Though quite young - barely twenty - she has a decided talent and works with much force and originality. She is a follower of the great Rodin, and, therefore, an impressionist in clay. French critics are inclined to predict a brilliant future for her.
Bibliographic Citation
The Philadelphia Inquirer, August 24, 1902, 32.